THE KYLE GIBBS SERIES (A dark action adventure series)
The series of dark action adventure novels follows ex-SAS team leader, Kyle Gibbs, as he faces the enormous challenge of living in a Climate-Changed world. The planet has been transformed due to a catastrophic three-metre rise in sea-level. Governments and secret organisations position themselves to ruthlessly gain control of what is left of our civilisation.
With only a few allies left, Gibbs strives to exist as the everyday lives of his family & friends, cross over into a dystopian nightmare. Living in a world of Floodlanders and Scavengers, their future is uncertain. This forces them to fight a sinister group, led by a man hell-bent on controlling the world’s last resources. In this new world, there are no rules. Gibbs must do what he can to protect his loved ones and secure a new future for the planet. Click here for the Books
THE HUDSON DRAKE SERIES (An action thriller series)
Wildlife all over the world is in danger, and corporate greed is to blame. Every day, wild spaces disappear as big business drives to expand and keep profits pouring in. For decades, environmentalists have campaigned peacefully but failed to make the human race aware, that they are accountable for the damage inflicted on the natural world.
Through the series of novellas, lead character Hudson Drake grows from conservationist to renown activist. He travels the globe rescuing animals in need, striving to make corporations pay for the damage they have done to our environment. His campaigns eventually attract the attention of Interpol, who assemble a specialist taskforce to investigate his organisation and its operations. But, as the series develops, it seems the real threat to Drake’s quest, could originate from the corporate giants themselves, leading him into increasingly dangerous territory. Click here for the Books
“If the floods don’t get you, the gangs will.”
It’s the year 2025. A teenage boy accompanies his father into the Central London Floodzone for the first time. Warren Smith is excited about travelling into this dangerous, unfamiliar world to sell their farm products at a market stall.
Following a Climate Change event that resulted in a three-metre sea-level rise, life in the various Floodzones of the planet is tough and uncompromising, but it has given rise to a hardened breed of humans, known as Floodlanders.
As the brutal tidal surge floods back in, tragedy strikes, and changes their lives forever.
A Writing Life – FREE
Do you often dream about writing a book? Maybe it’s been at the bottom of your bucket list for decades. Perhaps you’re postponing your writing or struggling to complete a manuscript out of fear of failure.
Creating something that might be ridiculed out there in the vast reading world may have you frozen with panic. I can empathise with that feeling. Writing and publishing a significant piece of work is one of the most exciting and daunting things that you can set out to do. It’s a journey that countless embark on, and many fail to complete.
I hope this book will help you overcome that fear and fire you up to produce your first book.
2 Box sets: The Journey of Kyle Gibbs
The series of dark action adventure novels follows ex-SAS team leader, Kyle Gibbs, as he faces the enormous challenge of living in a Climate-Changed world. The planet has been transformed due to a catastrophic three-metre rise in sea-level. Governments and secret organisations position themselves to ruthlessly gain control of what is left of our civilisation.
With only a few allies left, Gibbs strives to exist as the everyday lives of his family & friends, cross over into a dystopian nightmare. Living in a world of Floodlanders and Scavengers, their future is uncertain. This forces them to fight a sinister group, led by a man hell-bent on controlling the world’s last resources. In this new world, there are no rules. Gibbs must do what he can to protect his loved ones and secure a new future for the planet.
My first photographic book titled WildArt – A Lower Perspective. It has been an ongoing project over the past few years. I hope it showcases the species of animals and birds I’ve photographed during my travels, all placed on the lower third of the photo.
Click on an image to link you to a short tale that I have written – Only available on this website.
The Clash of Antlers
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[…] with an emphasis on my books and the work of others. Obviously, there is some crossover with the Kyle Gibbs and Hudson Drake series as these are ecological thrillers, but I am busy working on other books that have no reference to […]
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[…] I wrote the Kyle Gibbs series which is set in a climate changed dystopian world, I started to plan a series of novellas about […]
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[…] knows? It’ just something that gives me immense enjoyment and it’s certainly helped with the novels which I’ve written. Many character descriptions can be traced back to someone I’ve seen walking […]
[…] had already begun work on the Kyle Gibbs Series, set in a climate changed world, at that time. The continued escalation of rhino poaching in South […]
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[…] envy as they courageously make their passion a full-time career. My passion for photographing and writing about the urban and natural world has led me to this creative point in my life. Thirty-five years […]
[…] Top of my booklist in those early days was Tintin. International reporter, sleuth and more importantly, astute traveller. His adventures helped me start my bucket list and drove me to leave Africa’s shores permanently. Getting lost in my books is one of the greatest influences of my drive to charge off into the unknown. This love of books also inspired me to write my novels and novellas about characters who travel the globe. More here – Wayne Marinovich Books. […]