Wayne Marinovich Author Press Kit
Name: Wayne Marinovich
Publishing company: Umduzu Publishing
Genre: Action Adventure, Thrillers, Cli-fi, Dystopian, Eco-Thrillers
Format: Paperback and ebooks for novels. Novellas and short stories are ebooks
Author Bio: Wayne Marinovich is an author and photographer who grew up on a farm in South Africa where he spent most of his time sitting in trees and climbing up on the barn roof, fighting imaginary villains.
After a successful career as an IT consultant which saw him travel to all the places he loves writing about, he settled in the leafy county of West Sussex, England, where he now resides with his wife and fellow photographer, Anneli.
Along with the photography, he has published action adventure books set against environmental themes. Work is underway on the both the Kyle Gibbs and Hudson Drake series. Find out more in my About Me section
Email: Books@marinovich.co.uk
Short Stories

Title: Gibbs – The Early Years
Blurb: After countless beatings at the hands of his alcoholic father, Kyle Gibbs had a decision to make. Suck it up and deal with the abuse, or run away and forge a new life.
Could the fourteen-year-old continue to cope with the ongoing violence in his life, or would he simply become a casualty of it in the end? Would he fulfil his dream of getting away to finally have a normal life?
Format: Ebook formats, Kindle Mobi, ePub,
Price: $0,99 online – FREE to subscribers
Page count: 59 Publication date: 10 April 2014
Webpage: Gibbs Page
Title: Celt
Series Title: The Journey of Kyle Gibbs
Series Number: Book 1
Blurb: With the growing threat of a major climate change event, a group of billionaire businessmen are doing all in their power to control the earth’s remaining critical resources. Will ex-SAS soldier, Kyle Gibbs join these visionaries and help them pursue their relentless obsession despite the risks? Could joining them contribute to his downfall?
Format: Paperback. Ebook formats, Kindle Mobi, ePub
Price: $0,00 – FREE
Page count: 459 Publication date: 14 January 2014
Webpage: CELT Page
Title: Phoenix
Series Title: The Journey of Kyle Gibbs
Series Number: Book 2
Blurb: It’s 2028. The world’s major cities are flooded by a three-metre rise in sea-level. Wrongfully imprisoned, Kyle Gibbs vows revenge on those responsible and is forced to join the new global government to find them. During their first mission to capture a French nuclear plant, his team are set on a collision course with warrior tribesmen who have been brought in from Africa.
Format: Paperback. Ebook formats, Kindle Mobi, ePub
Price: $2.99
Page count: 605 Publication date: 05 July 2015
Website: PHOENIX Page
Title: Kharon
Series Title: The Journey of Kyle Gibbs
Series Number: Book 3
Blurb: A deadly contagion threatens the struggling people of a climate-changed Europe. All evidence points to a secret organisation seeking revenge on the New American and European governments. In England, Kyle Gibbs and his family are targeted by a tyrant from their past, resulting in personal tragedy. Forced out of retirement, he must help the governments stop the spread of the deadly virus.
Format: Ebook formats, Kindle Mobi, ePub.
Price: $4.99
Page count: 633 Publication date: March 2017
Webpage: KHARON Page
Series Title: The Journey of Kyle Gibbs
Series Number: Book 4
Blurb: It’s 2043. Ex-SAS soldier, Kyle Gibbs races against time to find a haven for his family and friends. In a post-apocalyptic world, gangs and corrupt government officials chase Gibbs to make him pay for crimes he didn’t commit – all overshadowed by the threat of vigilante known only as the Hooded Man
Format: Ebook formats, Kindle Mobi, ePub.
Price: $4.99
Page count: 511 Publication date: Dec 2019
Webpage: ANHUR Page
Title: Janus
Series Title: The Journey of Kyle Gibbs
Series Number: Book 5
Blurb: It’s 2044. In Janus, we catch up with Gibbs still stuck in dystopian America. Conflict and corruption at the highest level in the New American Government are made worse by a returning threat. A man long presumed dead.
Format: Ebook formats, Kindle Mobi, ePub.
Price: $4.99
Page count: 350 Publication date: Dec 2021
Webpage: JANUS Page
Title: Igazi
Series Title: The Hudson Drake Eco-thriller series
Series Number: Book 1
Blurb: In Taiji, Japan, Hudson Drake and his friends are peacefully protesting against the annual dolphin slaughter. A few days into the protest, he meets the intoxicating Eleena Garcia, who opens his eyes to the appalling scale of the massacre. Enthralled by her passion for ending the killing, Hudson is forced to make a choice. Stay with his friends or follow Eleena down a dark and dangerous path?
Format: Ebook formats, Kindle ePub, ePub, PDF
Price: $2,99
Page count: 78 Publication date: 23 March 2015
Webpage: IGAZI Page
Title: ORANG
Series Title: The Hudson Drake Eco-thriller series
Series Number: Book 2
Blurb: Hudson Drake, a militant wildlife campaigner, is on a mission to save the species of the declining forests in Indonesia. Rumoured ties to PADOS, an eco-terrorist group, make him a constant target for the world’s intelligence agencies. Joe Dixon is a dirty cop living in London who gets a chance to redeem himself by leading an Interpol team to investigate the rise of eco-terrorism. Circumstances force Hudson’s and Joe’s paths to cross. What will the outcome be?
Format: Ebook formats, Kindle ePub, ePub, PDF
Price: $2,99
Page count: 140 Publication date: 15 May 2018
Webpage: ORANG Page

Title: TIGER
Series Title: The Hudson Drake Eco-thriller series
Series Number: Book 3
Blurb: In the dark alleyways of Delhi, Hudson Drake and his team must execute their most daring plan yet, to save a species while staying out of prison. Will they succeed? Joe Dixon, a troubled Interpol agent, tracks a man who has evaded capture across three continents. He must prove a link between his target and an eco-terrorist organisation before they strike again.
Format: Ebook formats, Kindle ePub, ePub, PDF
Price: $2,99
Page count: 154 Publication date: 23 September 2021
Webpage: TIGER Page
List of Short Stories:

Title: Floodlanders
Blurb: It’s 2025. Following the Climate Change sea level rise, a teenage boy accompanies his father into the London Floodzone for the first time. Warren Smith is excited about travelling into this dangerous, unfamiliar world to work on their farm stall. He meets up with some tough, uncompromising Floodlanders and as the daily tidal surge floods back in, tragedy strikes, and changes their lives forever.
Format: Ebook formats, Kindle Mobi, ePub, PDF
Price: $2,99
Page count: 54 Publication date: 1 May 2014
Title: A Writing Life
Blurb: Do you often dream about writing a novel? Maybe it’s been at the bottom of your bucket list for decades. Perhaps you’re postponing your writing or struggling to complete a manuscript out of fear of failure. I hope this book will help you overcome some of that fear and fire you up to get on with producing your first novel. This book will not be for general sale and will be FREE to those who subscribe to my newsletter.
Format: PDF
Price: FREE
Page count: 55 Publication date: Jan 2020
Webpage: A Writing Life Page
Title: Master Your Photographic Journey
Blurb: A 120-page digital guide for amateurs new to photography or seasoned amateurs of many years. The journey of photography is a fantastic path that you can walk for the rest of your life. We will always want to take better photos than we are doing, and I hope this photography book can help guide you along that path. Whether it is the technical or creative help you need most, this book looks at many of the aspects you’ll need in your photography.
Format: PDF
Price: £4.99
Page count: 120 Publication date: Feb 2023
Webpage: Master Your Photographic Journey
Title: WildArt – A Lower Perspective
Blurb: This book is a simple digital tribute to the wonderful wildlife I have been fortunate enough to photograph since making the shift from film to digital photography in 2004.
34 pages of beautiful images of animals and birds from around the planet. Includes a generous foreword by Peter Cairns.
Format: PDF
Price: FREE to subscribers
Page count: 34 Publication date: Jan 2018
Webpage: WildArt – A Lower Perspective
Author profiles on Social media sites and online bookstores:

Describe your desk?
Work on a laptop and have a second 27″ monitor above it. As a Photographer, I process a lot of my photos on the same laptop. Several External hard drives, for the sheer volume of photos, as well as the backups of my books. Coffee mug (half full) and a litre water bottle. Small notepad (made up of the reverse side of all the paper I print for the book editing process) for making notes in.
Why did you write the Kyle Gibbs series?
I originally started out researching a non-fiction book on climate change as I believed there was a dire need to have a piece of work that was written in more layman’s terms. So many of the documents that you can find on the web are extremely scientific and tend to cover a very narrow field in this complex topic.
One of the consequences of Climate Change would be the mass migration of people from areas of hardship, to major cities. This intrigued me and got me thinking about a group of men leaving central Africa, for the lush promise of a better life in Europe, and so a storyline developed (it actually takes place in Book 2 of the series).
Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?
I was born and bred in Africa and still feel her sand in my shoes. Africa was and is, a tough, uncompromising place with wonderful people and great outdoor spaces. Where people love life, and sadly don’t value it as highly as in other parts of the world.
I have read every single one of Wilbur Smiths books as he is also one of Africa’s children. I took great influence in the way he described the continent. It is a continent of war, action and dangerous animals. How could it not lead me to Action Thrillers?
When did you first start writing?
Loved writing essays and stories at school, so I guess that’s when it started. But there were gaps when I didn’t write much, like when I discovered girls back in the eighties and when I went to the Air force and did a load of triathlons.
My author career started in 2008 when I began writing short wildlife blog posts and that fired it all again.
What motivated you to become an indie author?
Control of the process, I guess.
I loved choosing my own editor, proofreaders and cover designers. Also, I get more of the revenue from the sales and love the challenge of getting my name out there.
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
Telling stories about the darkness inside people, who get on with the challenges that they are faced with.
What are your five favourite books, and why?
Leviathan – John Gordon Davies.
A book about eco-terrorists and the whaling industry. I read this as a 12-year-old, and it set me on the path as a conservationist and wildlife photographer. Have read all of John Gordon Davis’s books, and they continue to be classics to me.
My family and other animals – Gerald Durrell
We did this at school as it was on the syllabus. Living on a farm, I used to love collecting all the spiders, crabs, snakes and other critters and bring them into my menagerie in my room. I could relate to the author here, although My mother didn’t always agree.
Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know – Ranulph, Fiennes,
This man is simply the greatest living explorer and adventurer around. The title says it all. At 70 plus, he is still going and anyone who thinks his accomplishments aren’t that grand – try running 7 marathons in 7 days on 7 continents.
The Bang-Bang Club: Snapshots from a Hidden War – Greg Marinovich
Its the country that I grew up in. Sad, violent, forgiving and wonderfully diverse. 4 extremely talented photographers documenting the changes in South Africa as it transitioned from Apartheid to a fledgeling democracy.
The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying – Sogyal Rinpoche
My bible.
Who is your ideal audience?
I guess anyone who loves reading actions adventures and action thrillers.
If you could spend a day with anyone from history, who would it be and why?
Tough question. Instinctively I would answer Einstein.
What’s the story behind your latest book?
The latest book is the fourth in the Kyle Gibbs series which is due for release pretty soon. Set in the wastelands of New America.