Great year for writing
If you are working on something that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you – Steve Jobs
When I started writing in 2008, I had no doubt that it was the right path for me. What I hadn’t grasped was the amount of work required to get books in front of readers who’d enjoy them. Luckily, I followed a few legendary online mentors from the beginning and got the awakening slap I needed. Following these mentors quickly go me to lower my expectation to zero. The key message I took away from their articles was to write every day and to write as much as I could in each sitting. When I applied these lessons, books started to flow from me.
2017 – A great year
Tomorrow morning the critic will be gone, but the writer will still be there facing the blank page. Nothing matters but that he keeps working – Steven Pressfield – The War of Art
With a month left in the year, it’s clear that my publishing is all done. No new books are scheduled to roll off the writing desk, so I thought a little reminiscing was in order
Book 3 of the Kyle Gibbs series went on sale in March 2017 after a small delay. I’d decided to redevelop both the Marinovich Books and Wayne Marinovich Photography Websites first, which took an investment of time.
Kyle Gibbs Boxset
Work had started on the fourth and final Gibbs book, so I thought I’d offer a box set of the first three books. It’s a fairly large digital book and continues to sell copies as people binge buy as is the new norm. Look out for a price discount over the Christmas period, or, join my mailing list to reminders of all the book deals I offer.
The last book in the Journey of Kyle Gibbs is done. The first draft is complete, and I must admit to having mixed feeling about ending the writing of Gibbs. The novel is called, ANHUR, after one of the Egyptian Gods of War. I’ll start the editing in the new year with the view to release it around June sometime.
Here is the cover which my designer has done. The book has a post-apocalyptic angle to it as we catch up Gibbs in the climate-ravaged USA in 2043.
Gibbs Graphic Novels
I’m a self-taught person. Everything I’ve achieved comes from me learning about it rather than doing courses or being taught.
And so, I’m busy with research on how to produce a series of Gibbs graphic novels. This process involves me learning to write scripts for graphic artists to be able to do their magic to bring Gibbs alive.
Spoiler: The time frame has been set for these Graphic novels. Set between Kharon (2033) and Anhur (2043), it will be post-apocalyptic or dystopian in nature. Working title: Gibbs. The Hooded Man Chronicles.
The second novella in the Hudson Drake series is ready to go to my editor. I’m excited about this book because like, IGAZI, 50% of the sales go to a great charity. I’ve chosen WildlifeAsia because of the great work they do in the Leuser System. Here, Drake continues with his eco-terrorism, but with a new Interpol agent getting ever closer.
The typed-up outline for the follow-up to ORANG is also finished. It’s a great little story and takes place in India, dealing with Tigers and poaching. The outline will probably get a little storyline tweak or two, but I hope to start writing the first draft in the New Year.
Oh, and a Bestseller
Super excited to have had Celt top of a list on Amazon. It was a long journey to get there, but I knew it would be worth it.
I’ve always said that I’d only start promoting my books once I had completed the Kyle Gibbs Series. It was important to me to have a good back catalogue to promote to readers. With the final Gibbs novel now drafted, and manuscript printed for editing, I decided to start promoting the whole series. I’m still analysing the results of this first promotion, but to get the bestseller on the first weekend was a real treat. Celt is four years old in January 2018, so it’s just that little more special to me.
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