Kharon in New York

A Flooded New York. Action from some of the scenes in Kharon happen in this great city,
Kharon in New York
Many of the places that Kyle Gibbs visits in the series are places that I have spent time in. Kharon, the third book in the series, has quite a few scenes in the US too. I was on a photography trip with Anneli to iconic New York at the time, and I thought it would be great to visit a few of the sites in the book. We were also lucky enough to be staying with great friends in Jersey City who showed us around.
Click here for a list of all the places Gibbs travels too.

Colour, texture and fire escapes

Kharon is set in a post-apocalyptic flooded world
The final action sequences take place in a great little part of New York, namely Roosevelt Island. With a friend of mine, Ricky, kindly ferrying me around, we drove across the Ed Koch Queensboro Bridge to get access to the island from the furthest side. It was weird driving over the bridge again. The red-and-white cooling towers of the Ravenswood Generating Station stood ominously in the background. Once we got onto the island, we walked around, and I took a few images from the island itself, looking back across the East River to the city.
It’s a little surreal to stand in the place that had been my writing world for all the edits of the novel (as I sat in the UK). I guess that’s the great part of being an author. We get to describe places without ever having set foot on them.

Ravenswood Generating Station from Roosevelt Island

Ed Koch Queensboro Bridge
Click on the cover to buy Kharon