A new website for Marinovich Books

Marinovich Books

On the 23 Apr 2013, I created my first blog post for the Marinovich Books site. It seems a decade ago and so much has happened on this writing journey. I thought it about time that I created a fresh look for all the content that I produce.

And here it is, the refreshed website that’s a big leap forward from the old, dark blog style that I used before.

"Marinovich Books new website"


More creative freedom

The new layout fits alongside my Marinovich Photography website and is also on a white background which is cleaner. I thought long and hard about keeping them on a similar template. And, I think they complement one another perfectly from a creative brand perspective.

About Me

A little more about me in person for those who don’t know much about me. I also explain a little about the writing work which I’m currently producing.


This section is my book catalogue. A central space on the website where you can view the series, short stories and non-fiction works I have on sale. Each book has a dedicated web page and although I don’t sell directly from the site. Watch this space (subscribe for updates).


The old blog (albeit with a fresh feel) that I have been running since 2013. I’ll keep adding new posts as I release books, share advice or promote other author’s work.

Writing Advice

In this section, I have two areas with Writing and Publishing advice, plus some general articles that I have written. I have also included the Free Chapters of each novel here. This is usually the first two chapters of the novel on offer to see if you’d like to read the rest.


The usual contact sheet if you want to contact me directly for any reason.

Author Press kit

This is the market standard layout Press Kit, with book details, my details, social media profile links and some FAQ’s


I have an email list for those fans who want to be kept informed of what is happening at Marinovich Books from a publishing perspective. There is a free sign-up gift of My Writing Process when you subscribe. Along with book release information, I usually have signed book giveaways that aren’t available anywhere else.

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