Signed paperbacks
A set of signed paperbacks for you
Be honest. Who doesn’t love getting a book as a gift or a present? I sure do. That moment you open the crisp wrapping and see the cover is always a joyous moment. Taking it out and smelling the pages as you flick through is a bibliophile’s dream.
Twice a year, I give away a signed set of paperbacks of the Kyle Gibbs Series. Each January and July, I give my subscribers the chance to be in the draw for the books. Click on the button below to join and be in with an opportunity to receive the set of books.
About the series
The series of dark action-adventure novels follows ex-SAS team leader, Kyle Gibbs as he faces the enormous challenge of living in a Climate-Changed world. As the planet transforms due to a catastrophic three-metre rise in sea level, governments and secret organisations position themselves to ruthlessly gain control of what is left of our civilisation.
With only a few allies left, Gibbs strives to exist as the everyday lives of his family & friends cross over into a dystopian nightmare. Living in a world of Floodlanders and Scavengers, their future is uncertain, forcing them to fight a sinister group led by a man hell-bent on controlling the world’s last resources. In this new world, there are no rules, and Gibbs must do what he can to protect his loved ones and secure a new future for the planet.
“The books are very easy to read and follow on with ease these are a must-read for any fiction military followers” – Mike P – Amazon
“The world will lose. This story is set in a dystopian world where global dysfunction was brought about by weak governments and brutes who happen to be billionaires along with climate change. In short, the author took everything that can cause chaos and included it. It makes for great reading, and I recommend it to anyone who likes to read about the exploits of the British SAS and dystopian fiction.” – KOBAM review of Celt, the first free novel