Happy 2015


"Hilton View - Marinovich Wildlife Photography"

Hilton, Kwazulu Natal, South Africa


Hello Everyone. Just a short note to wish you and your families, a fantastic 2015, filled with the realisation of all your resolutions and dreams.

I got back from a great month off in South Africa and the batteries are well and truly charged. As per usual, I have set many goals for myself, although they are a little different this year. I hope for a more creative and spiritually fulfilling year this year as I change focus more towards the planet and our role in it.

Like most people, I have set a fitness goal for this year and will be working on a project which should bear fruits by the end of 2015. Although I still think (and drink) like an 18 year old, the amount of white smoke that is expelled from my engines as I get out of bed each morning, reminds me that my body is 46 years old, so a little more self-care is needed, I think.

From a writing perspective

  • Continue with the Kyle Gibbs series – Book 3 should be out in May/June. I will start planning the final book in the series for release in 2016
  • Finish a small eBook/PDF about my writing process and how I get an eBook to market. This will only be on offer to subscribers.
  • Get 2 or 3 novellas out for the Hudson Drake character, before writing the standalone novel (2016)

From a conservation and photography perspective

  • Get more involved in a few more conservation protests this year. More news in few days about the recent anti-Dolphin slaughter campaign which I took part in.
  • More Landscape Photography of the UK and Europe (also a little skills upgrade here)
  • Finish off conservation and environmental articles that have been stuck on my laptop for a year now, and get them submitted.

Art and drawing.

  • Fire up my wildlife drawing again. I have been hankering to get it going and like writing, I simply need to sit down and do it.


What are you main goals this year? Would love to from you.

Onwards fellow tribe of people


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