Notes from my Laptop #9

"Cathedral Peak- Drankensberg - Marinovich Wildlife Photography


Since we last chatted

  • Igazi is now available on all online book stores and doing well. If you haven’t had a chance to get your copy,  please click here to go to the book page. It is raising money for a fantastic cause and the dolphins need your help to spread the word so we can stop the annual slaughter in Taiji, Japan.
  • The Marinovich’s just got back from a short trip to South Africa for a wonderful wedding in the stunning Drakensberg (see above photograph). This is Cathedral Peak at it finest, and it was pretty much the scene from all vantage points of the resort. Over 100 guests stayed in the hotel and this meant that the partying started on Thursday lunchtime and continued until the early hours of Sunday morning.
  • Really sad to see some of the things happening in the land of my birth. Africa has always been a tough place, with a different set of rules but the xenophobic attacks happening in the Rainbow Nation are a tragedy to behold. We are in desperate need for strong leadership, yet none seems to be on the horizon. I genuinely fear for South Africa.
  • Spring is finally here in the UK as we hit a few days of mild weather. Hey, we will take what we can get.


Writing projects

  • Just finished the 3rd rework of Kharon, book 3 in the Kyle Gibbs series. You all know of my love of punishing all my characters. Well, that doesn’t stop in book 3.
  • Another rework of My Writing Process: A digital guide to self-publishing is complete. It’s a short booklet which details how I get from an idea of a book, to publishing it. It will only be available to subscribers though. Click here to make sure you get your  future copy.
  • Outline for the next, Hudson Drake, novella is down on paper and being tweaked. Must admit I am quite excited about it. It will be set against the slash-and-burn deforestation happening in Borneo and the effects on the Orang-utan populations – current working title, ORANG



Published works and pricing

Gibbs – The early years: FREE on all online stores, except Amazon (I’m not allowed to offer things for free on Amazon, unless, I offer them exclusivity!!).

Celt- Published at  $2.99

Phoenix – published at $2.99

Floodlanders – Published at $0.99

Igazi – On pre-order at the moment. Priced at $2.99


"List of books so far - Wayne Marinovich

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