Writing Tips

Writing Tips

Writing tips are abundant and can be found all over the web. Every author is on their own literary journey, and a part of that is to learn. We all have different skill levels depending on how we’ve developed on route. Here are some of the main writing tips that I’ve gleaned from the past years of publishing my work.

I’ve split the writing tips into a series of articles below, highlighting the main topics covered.

You can also read a previous blog post I wrote – Lessons I’ve learnt from writing my first novel



Part 1  – So you want to write a novel

"So you want to write a novel - writing tips - Marinovich books"

Fiction or non-fiction

Once off hobbyist or serious career writer

Decide early  – you thinking may need to change

Make time, don’t find time




Part 2 – Ideas and Concepts

"Part 2 – Ideas and Concepts - Marinovich Books"


Ideas and Concepts

Researching your main ideas

The one-page outline





Part 3 – Pantser or Plotter? What type of writer are you?

"Pantster or Plotter? - Marinovich Books"

The Pantster

The Plotter

Which of the two is the correct way to write?

So what am I?




Part 4 – Outlines and Plans

"Outlining your Novel - Marinovich Books"


The rough outline

The stepsheet

The chapter outline





Part 5 – Characters. Critical to an engaging novel

"Characters of a novel - Marinovich Books"


The Nature of Character

Protagonist vs.c Antagonist (and the rise of conflict)

Main Characters

Walk-on Characters

Character CV





Part 6  – Sitting down to write your book

"Sitting Down to write - Marinovich Books"

The First Draft

Writing a full synopsis after the draft

Reworking and self-editing





Part 7  – Getting professional help with your writing

"Getting professional with your writing"

A good freelance editor is essential

Find a proofreader

Get a few beta-readers

Formatting your files to market standards





This is just a short list of some of the important Writing Tips. If you liked what you read continue reading my PUBLISHING TIPS 


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